Trade Unionists Say 'Free the Hong Kong 47!'

3PM Sunday 26 Nov 2023Embassy of China
49 Portland Place, London W1B 1JL

On 27 November, the final stage of the “Hong Kong 47” trial will begin. The day before, on 26 November, join our trade unionists’ demonstration in solidarity with the HK47 - facing prison just for organising to stand up for democracy - and with all those fighting in the causes of labour and democracy in Hong Kong. (More info on the cases is below).

  • Free Carol Ng, Winnie Yu, Leung Kwok-hung and all the HK47!

  • Free Lee Cheuk-yan, Elizabeth Tang, and all others imprisoned and repressed for worker organising and pro-democracy activity!

  • Freedom to organise independent trade unions and political opposition in Hong Kong and China!

  • Refugees welcome in the UK: sanctuary for all those fleeing persecution for fighting for labour and democracy, from Hong Kong or anywhere else!

As trade unionists and activists, we stand in solidarity with all our siblings in Hong Kong and around the world fighting for democracy and freedom to organise - causes which are as vital as oxygen to the labour movement and its battles for workers’ rights and workers’ power. An injury to one is an injury to all!


You can use our model motion to get your union branch, campaign group, party organisation or other labour movement body to back the protest. Contact [email protected] to add your organisation.

  • Workers Against the CCP

  • Hong Kong Labour Rights Monitor

  • John McDonnell MP

  • Nadia Whittome MP

  • John Moloney, Asst Gen Sec on behalf of PCS Union

  • Maria Exall, TUC LGBT+ Chair

  • Emma Runswick, BMA Deputy Chair (pc)

  • Ben Selby, FBU Assistant General Secretary

  • Elaine Jones & Ed Whitby, Unison NEC (pc)

  • Vicky Blake, UCU NEC & former President

  • Rhian Keyse, UCU NEC

  • Matthew Hull, Green Party NEC Trade Union Liaison Officer

  • Peter Tatchell, human rights campaigner

  • China Deviants

  • Power To Hongkongers

  • Scottish HongKongers

  • HKers United

  • The Hong Kong Scots

  • Dacorum Green Party

  • Camden Unison

  • Barnet Unison

  • Hong Kong Aid 港援

  • Battersea & Wandsworth Trades Union Council

  • Equity

  • Piccadilly & District Line West RMT

  • Unison


The HK47 are charged with subversion simply for participating in the election primaries of the pro-democracy camp in June 2020. They hoped to win seats in Hong Kong's semi-democratic parliament, the LegCo, and to represent the democracy movement’s demands if elected. Those facing prison include leading trade unionists Carol Ng and Winnie Yu, and veteran socialist Leung “Long Hair” Kwok-hung.Their trial has been dragged out for years and is finally entering its closing stages this November. We demand their immediate release and dropping of all charges.They are not the only labour and democracy activists facing repression, harassment and imprisonment by Beijing’s puppet government in Hong Kong. Most of the independent trade unions have been forced to dissolve under intense state pressure and intimidation. Lee Cheuk-yan, former leader of the independent trade union confederation HKCTU, is serving prison time - under public order laws dating from British colonial rule! - for organising an unauthorised protest. Elizabeth Tang, another former HKCTU leader and the General Secretary of the International Domestic Workers Federation, was arrested this year under the totalitarian “National Security Law” imposed by Beijing. And the League of Social Democrats, one of the few pro-democracy dissident parties still protesting in public in Hong Kong, faces constant harassment and police repression. HSBC, the UK financial giant with extensive business in Hong Kong, shut the LSD’s bank accounts in order to disrupt its organising.The repression even reaches those living in exile. This year, Hong Kong police issued an arrest warrant for veteran HKCTU organiser Christopher Mung over his meeting with a French trade union - and incited kidnapping attempts with a HK$1 million bounty.We demand the release of all the political prisoners, and we stand in particular with our persecuted trade union, socialist and progressive siblings. Solidarity knows no borders!

Workers Against the CCP

We are a new UK-based campaign, organising solidarity in the labour movement to support the struggles of workers and oppressed and marginalised people in China and its occupied territories. Sign up for our email newsletter to keep in touch.

Our new coalition brings together a range of activists and existing groups to work together, including:


11 月 26 日星期日下午 3 点
49 Portland Place, London W1B 1JL


  • 釋放 吳敏兒、余慧明、梁國雄以及HK47其餘所有人!

  • 釋放李卓人、鄧燕娥以及所有因組織工人和民主活動而被監禁和鎮壓的人!

  • 爭取在香港和中國組織獨立工會和政治反對派的自由!

  • 英國歡迎難民:為所有因爭取勞工和民主正義而逃離迫害的人,提供庇護 -- 無論是香港難民還是他國難民!



香港 47 人被控顛覆罪,僅僅是因為他們參加了 2020 年 6 月民主派的初選。他們希望贏得香港半民主議會(立法會)的席位,並在當選後代表民主運動的訴求。面臨牢獄之災的包括工會領袖吳敏兒和余慧明,以及資深社會主義者梁國雄("長毛")。他們的審判已拖延多年,終於在今年 11 月進入最後階段。我們要求立即釋放他們並撤銷所有指控。面臨北京傀儡政府鎮壓、騷擾和監禁的勞工和民主運動活躍人士不只他們。在國家的強大壓力和恐嚇下,大多數獨立工會被迫解散。根據英國殖民統治時期的公共秩序法,獨立工會聯合會前領導人李卓人因組織未經授權的抗議活動而入獄服刑。另一位前香港勞工盟領導人、國際家事工人聯合會秘書長鄧燕娥今年根據北京實施的極權主義 "國家安全法 "被捕。社會民主連線是少數仍在香港公開抗議的民主異議黨派之一,但卻面臨著不斷的騷擾和警察鎮壓。在香港有大量業務的英國金融巨頭匯豐銀行關閉了社民連的銀行帳戶,以破壞其組織活動。鎮壓甚至波及到流亡者。今年,香港警方因香港工會聯合會資深組織者蒙兆達(Christopher Mung)與法國工會會面而對其發出逮捕令,並懸賞100萬港元煽動


11 月 26 日星期日下午 3 點
49 Portland Place, London W1B 1JL


  • 释放 吴敏儿、余慧明、梁国雄以及HK47其余所有人!

  • 释放李卓人、邓燕娥以及所有因组织工人和民主活动而被监禁和镇压的人!

  • 争取在香港和中国组织独立工会和政治反对派的自由!

  • 英国欢迎难民:为所有因争取劳工和民主正义而逃离迫害的人,提供庇护 -- 无论是香港难民还是他国难民!



香港 47 人被控颠覆罪,仅仅是因为他们参加了 2020 年6月民主派的初选。他们希望赢得香港半民主议会(立法会)的席位,并在当选后代表民主运动的诉求。面临牢狱之灾的包括工会领袖吳敏兒和余慧明,以及资深社会主义者梁国雄("长毛")。他们的审判已拖延多年,终于在今年 11 月进入最后阶段。我们要求立即释放他们并撤销所有指控。面临北京傀儡政府镇压、骚扰和监禁的劳工和民主运动活跃人士不止他们。在国家的强大压力和恐吓下,大多数独立工会被迫解散。根据英国殖民统治时期的公共秩序法,独立工会联合会前领导人李卓人因组织未经授权的抗议活动而入狱服刑。另一位前香港职工盟领导人、国际家政工人联合会秘书长邓燕娥今年根据北京实施的极权主义 "国家安全法 "被捕。 社会民主连线是少数几个仍在香港公开抗议的民主异见党派之一,但却面临着不断的骚扰和警察镇压。在香港有大量业务的英国金融巨头汇丰银行关闭了社民连的银行账户,以破坏其组织活动。镇压甚至波及到流亡者。今年,香港警方因香港工会联合会资深组织者蒙兆达(Christopher Mung)与法国工会会面而对其发出逮捕令,并悬赏100万港元煽动